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Map Library

Map of the Trentino, part of "Italia Irredenta," unredeemed Italy: Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and Alto Adige)
Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and Alto Adige)
Confine del Regno d'Italia
Conf.[ine] Geografico d'Italia
Confine fra Trentino e Alto Adige
Ist. Geogr. De Agostini-Novara - Riproduzione Interdetta
Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and South Tyrol)
Border of the Kingdom of Italy
Geographic boundary of Italy
Border between Trentino and Alto Adige
Geographic Institute of Agostini-Novara - Reproduction prohibited
Message dated December 14, 1917

Map of the Trentino, part of "Italia Irredenta," unredeemed Italy: Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and Alto Adige)

Image text

Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and Alto Adige)

Confine del Regno d'Italia

Conf.[ine] Geografico d'Italia

Confine fra Trentino e Alto Adige



Ist. Geogr. De Agostini-Novara - Riproduzione Interdetta

Venezia Tridentina (Trentino and South Tyrol)

Border of the Kingdom of Italy

Geographic boundary of Italy

Border between Trentino and Alto Adige



Geographic Institute of Agostini-Novara - Reproduction prohibited


Message dated December 14, 1917

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The maps are from period publications, maps, magazines, books, and, many of them, postcards. Some are hand drawn.