A call to Italians to buy war bonds to help fund the powerful weapons needed for the last push to Trieste, a mere 25 kilometers from the Italian front lines. It pays 5%, after all, tax free, for an effective rate of 5.55%!
La Banca d'Italia
Riceve e agevola le sottoscrizioni
al Prestito Consolidato 5% netto
Esente da imposte presenti & future
Reddito Effettivo 5,55 per cento
I nostri avamposti sono a 25 Km da Trieste — date loro armi potenti per l'ultimo sbalzo, sottoscrivendo al Prestito Nazionale Consolidato 5%.
The Bank of Italy
Receives and facilitates subscriptions
Borrowing 5% Consolidated Net
Exempt from present and future taxes
5.55 percent effective income
Our outposts are 25 Km from Trieste - give them powerful weapons for the last rush, by subscribing to the National 5% Loan Consolidation.
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