The German-speaking world, 1909. A postcard from the journal "German World" showing the distribution of Germans and German-speakers around the world. Note the red ships designating "German warships for the protection of Germans in foreign countries." Of the 600,000 Germans in Africa, 500,000 are "Low German farmers". North America was home to over 12,000,000 Germans and individuals of German descent, the largest population outside of Europe.

Deutsche Erde
Jährlich 8 Heft; Preis 12 M.
Verbreitung der Deutschen über die Erde
Verbreitung der Zeitschrift “Deutsche Erde”
Deutsche Kriegschiffe zum Schutze des Deutschtums in Auslande
Entw. V. Paul Langhans
Jahrg. 1909 Sonderkarte
The German World
Annual 8 issue; Price 12 M[arks].
Distribution of Germans over the world
Distribution of the journal "German World"
German warships for the Protection of Germans in foreign countries
Developed by Paul Langhans
1909 special postcard
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