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Map Library

Steuermann! Ho!
Kaiser Wilhelm II straddling Berlin, at the ship's wheel of Germany, firm against the gale. He stands on a raised outline of Germany with major cities marked: Berlin, the ports of Hamburg, Bremen and Danzig, Strassburg in the southwest and Königsberg in the northeast. ("Kitsch" is a German word.) To his right is a poem:

Lieb Vaterland kannst ruhig sein
Du brauchst niemals verzagen
Duhast den rechten Steuermann
In diesen schweren Tagen.

Dear Fatherland, you can rest easy.
You need never despair
You have the right helmsman
For these difficult days.

message date and field postmark October 18, 1914.
BAF 11 (?); H Lemke (?)

Dated and field postmarked 1914-10-18.

Steuermann! Ho!
Kaiser Wilhelm II straddling Berlin, at the ship's wheel of Germany, firm against the gale. ("Kitsch" is a German word.)

Image text

Lieb Vaterland kannst ruhig sein

Du brauchst niemals verzagen

Duhast den rechten Steuermann

In diesen schweren Tagen.

Dear Fatherland, you can rest easy.

You need never despair.

You have the right helmsman

For these difficult days.


BAF 11 (?); H Lemke (?)

Other views: Front, Back

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The maps are from period publications, maps, magazines, books, and, many of them, postcards. Some are hand drawn.