Relief map of Great Britain and Ireland, the North Sea, English Channel, and Atlantic Ocean, with northwestern Europe: France, Belgium, Holland, and Scandinavia. The war-zone outlined on the map was declared on February 4, 1915. On May 7, the Lusitania entered the war zone southwest of Ireland.
Map Text:
Atlantisch Ozean, Nord-See, Kanal
Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, English Channel
Westlichen Kriegschauplatz: Nr. 97. Karte III:
Die Gewässer um Großbritannien und Irland werden als Kriegsgebiet erklärt. Serie 47/4
Western front: No. 97 Map III:
The waters around Britain and Ireland will be declared a war zone. Series 47/4
Ausgabe des Kriegsfürsorgeamtes Wien IX.
Zum Gloria-Viktoria Album
Sammel. u. Nachschlagewerk des Völkerkrieges
War Office Assistance Edition, Vienna IX
For Gloria Victoria album
Collection and reference book of international war
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