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Map Library

Relief map of Great Britain and Ireland from the south with the North Sea, English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, and northwestern Europe: France, Belgium, Holland, and Scandinavia. The war-zone outlined on the map was declared on February 4, 1915. On May 7, the Lusitania entered the war zone southwest of Ireland.
Map Text:
Atlantisch Ozean, Nord-See, Kanal - Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, English Channel
Kriegs-Gebiets-Grenze - War-zone-boundary
Westlichen Kriegschauplatz: Nr. 97. Karte III:
Die Gewässer um Großbritannien und Irland werden als Kriegsgebiet erklärt. Serie 47/4
Western front: No. 97 Map III:
The waters around Britain and Ireland will be declared a war zone. Series 47/4
Ausgabe des Kriegsfürsorgeamtes Wien IX.
Zum Gloria-Viktoria Album
Sammel. u. Nachschlagewerk des Völkerkrieges
War Office Assistance Edition, Vienna IX
For Gloria Victoria album
Collection and reference book of International war

Relief map of Great Britain and Ireland, the North Sea, English Channel, and Atlantic Ocean, with northwestern Europe: France, Belgium, Holland, and Scandinavia. The war-zone outlined on the map was declared on February 4, 1915. On May 7, the Lusitania entered the war zone southwest of Ireland.

Image text

Map Text:

Atlantisch Ozean, Nord-See, Kanal

Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, English Channel




Westlichen Kriegschauplatz: Nr. 97. Karte III:

Die Gewässer um Großbritannien und Irland werden als Kriegsgebiet erklärt. Serie 47/4

Western front: No. 97 Map III:

The waters around Britain and Ireland will be declared a war zone. Series 47/4


Ausgabe des Kriegsfürsorgeamtes Wien IX.

Zum Gloria-Viktoria Album

Sammel. u. Nachschlagewerk des Völkerkrieges

War Office Assistance Edition, Vienna IX

For Gloria Victoria album

Collection and reference book of international war

Other views: Front, Back

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The maps are from period publications, maps, magazines, books, and, many of them, postcards. Some are hand drawn.