Number six in a series of folding postcards, each one showing one of the Western Front battlefields on the interior. The outer back shows a map of central Europe with the Entente Allies is pink and the Central Powers in Yellow. The map shows Europe after Turkey's entry into the war at the end of October, 1914, and before Italy's entry in May, 1915. The publisher may have hoped neutral Italy and Romania would soon join the Allies, and has outlined them in pink.

Outer back:
Europe Centrale
En vente chez tous les libraries
Les cartes du front
tirées en 5 couleurs
format double carte postale
No. 1. Les Flandres
_ 2. Artois-Picardie
_ 3. Aisne & Oise
_ 4. Argonne-Côte de Meuse
_ 5. Lorraine
_ 6. Vosges-Alsace
A. Hatier. Editeur.8.Rue d'Assas, Paris.
Inner detailed map:
Les Cartes du Front.
No. 6. Vosges-Alsace.
Chemin de fer, voie norm[a]le
" voie étroite
Route principale
Fleuve ou rivière
Canal du navigation
Outer front:
Correspondence des Armees
Franchise Militaire
Central Europe
Available at all libraries
Cards of the Front
drawn in 5 colors
Double postcard size
No. 1. Flanders
_ 2. Artois-Picardie
_ 3. Oise Aisne &
_ 4. Argonne-Meuse Coast
_ 5. Lorraine
_ 6. Alsace-Vosges
A. Hatier. Publisher.8.Rue d'Assas, Paris.
Inner detailed map:
Cards of the Front
No 6. Alsace-Vosges.
Normal Railroad
Narrow Gauge Railroad
Major road
River or stream
Navigable canal
Outer front:
Correspondence of the Armies
Military Franchise
Other views:
Front, Interior, Larger, Larger, Larger, Back