The Anglo-French March 18, 1915 naval bombardment of the Turkish forts on the European and Asian sides of the Dardanelles significantly reduced the forts. The loss of the French battleship Bouvet, which hit a mine and sank, and the severe damage to the British Irresistible and Inflexible, deterred further attempts.

Das Dardanellengebiet am 18 März 1915
Mit Genehmigung der Illustri[e]rten Zeitung, Leipzig
Dardennellen Enge
Europäische Seite
A 246
E.P. & Co. A.-G.,L.
The Dardanelles area on March 18, 1915
With the permission of the Illustrated Newspaper, Leipzig
Dardanelles strait
European side
Asia Minor
Shore batteries
A 246
E.P. A.-G. & Co., L.
Reverse, handwritten:
Lille, 26 XI 1915 (November 26)
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