Postcard map of Loretto Heights and Vimy Ridge, both seized by German forces in 1914, which allowed them to dominate French forces from Lens to Arras. The French suffered heavily in the First, Second, and Third Battles of Artois trying to seize the high ground.
Die Loretto-höhe mit Umgegend
The Loretto Heights and surrounding country
[Horizon:] Aix-Noulette, Bally Grenay, Lens
[Distance:] Angres, Lieven, Avion
[Middle distance:] Mont de Lorette and Chapel, Ablain-St. Nazaire, Souchez, Givenchy, Mont de Vimy
[Foreground:] Carency, Neuville St. Vaast
Field postmarked February 26, 1916, 18th Reserve Division
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