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The Four Elements, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, by Karl Arnold from the Lille War News, presumably a soldiers' newspaper published in occupied Lille, France. The illustration for water shows submarine U-9 which sank three British battleships on September 22, 1914.
Die vier Elemente
Feuer, Luft, Wasser, Erde
The Four Elements
Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Message dated May 9, 1915
Zeichnung von Karl Arnold aus der Liller Kriegszeitung
Drawing by Karl Arnold from the Lille War Newsmore The Four Elements, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, by Karl Arnold from the Lille War News, presumably a soldiers' newspaper published in occupied Lille, France. The illustration for water shows submarine U-9 which sank three British battleships on September 22, 1914. Die vier Elemente

Feuer, Luft, Wasser, Erde

The Four Elements

Fire, Air, Water, Earth



Message dated May 9, 1915

Zeichnung von Karl Arnold aus der Liller Kriegszeitung

Drawing by Karl Arnold from the Lille War News
four elements, the four elements, U9, U-9, Karl Arnold, Arnold 1915-03-28
Wives, children, and parents accompanying soldiers leaving for the war, some of them carrying their soldier's rifle. Behind them, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Illustration by Ernst Heilemann.
Lieb' Vaterland, magst ruhig sein!
Dear Fatherland, have no fear!
Message written September 29, 1916 and postmarked the next day.
Kriegs-Postkarte der 'Lustigan Blätter' No. 50.
Verlag der 'Lustigan Blätter' (Dr. Eysler & Co.) G.m.b.H. Berlin SW. 68
Große farbige Kunstblätter mit dem gleichen Bild auf Chromofarton (Format 55 : 68[?] cm) Preis 1.- Mk. Kunstverlag Max Herzberg, Berlin, SW 68.
War Postcard 'Lustigan Blätter' No. 50.
Publisher of the 'Lustigan Blätter' (Dr. Eysler & Co.) GmbH Berlin SW. 68
Large colored art leaves with the same picture on chromo board (Format: 55 x 68 cm [?]) Price 1.- Mk. Kunstverlag Max Herzberg, Berlin, SW 68.more Wives, children, and parents accompanying soldiers leaving for the war, some of them carrying their soldier's rifle. Behind them, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Illustration by Ernst Heilemann. Lieb' Vaterland, magst ruhig sein!

Dear Fatherland, have no fear!


Message written September 29, 1916 and postmarked the next day.

Kriegs-Postkarte der 'Lustigan Blätter' No. 50.

Verlag der 'Lustigan Blätter' (Dr. Eysler & Co.) G.m.b.H. Berlin SW. 68

Große farbige Kunstblätter mit dem gleichen Bild auf Chromofarton (Format 55 : 68[?] cm) Preis 1.- Mk. Kunstverlag Max Herzberg, Berlin, SW 68.

War Postcard 'Lustigan Blätter' No. 50.

Publisher of the 'Lustigan Blätter' (Dr. Eysler & Co.) GmbH Berlin SW. 68

Large colored art leaves with the same picture on chromo board (Format: 55 x 68 cm [?]) Price 1.- Mk. Kunstverlag Max Herzberg, Berlin, SW 68.
mobilization, Berlin, German soldier, Ernst Heilemann, Heilemann
A German gunner and his anti-aircraft gun from 1914.
260. La Grande Guerre 1914 - Canon allemand contre Aéroplane et Dirigeable
260. The Great War 1914 - German cannon against airplanes and airshipsmore A German gunner and his anti-aircraft gun from 1914. 260. La Grande Guerre 1914 - Canon allemand contre Aéroplane et Dirigeable

260. The Great War 1914 - German cannon against airplanes and airships
artillery, Germany, anti-aircraft gun, antiaircraft, anti-aircraft, gunner, 1915-03-24