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A map of the Belgian battlefield from Bruges to Ostend and the Belgian coast to Blankenburg. German forces took Ostend on October 17, 1914. Bruges was an important German submarine base with canals connecting it to the North Sea ports of Ostend and Zeebrugge, ports the British attacked the night of April 22–23, 1918 in an attempt to block the canals. Zeebrugge is just off the map to the right.
Belgischer Kriegsschauplatz
Ostende, Blankenberghe u. Brügge
Belgian battlefield
Ostend, Bruges and Blankenberghe
Belgische Küste
Verzweiflungskämpfe der Verbündeten. Siegreiches Vordringen der Deutschen. 17 October Ostende eingenommen.
(Belgian coast
Desperate struggles of the allies. Victorious advance of the Germans. 17 October Ostend taken.)
Kunstverlag Eug. Felle, Isny, Wttbg. (Art publisher Eug. Furs, Isny, ​​Wittenburg??.)

A map of the Belgian battlefield from Bruges to Ostend and the Belgian coast to Blankenburg. German forces took Ostend on October 17, 1914. Bruges was an important German submarine base with canals connecting it to the North Sea ports of Ostend and Zeebrugge, ports the British attacked the night of April 22–23, 1918 in an attempt to block the canals. Zeebrugge is just off the map to the right.

Image text

Belgischer Kriegsschauplatz

Ostende, Blankenberghe u. Brügge

Belgian battlefield

Ostend, Bruges and Blankenberghe


Belgische Küste

Verzweiflungskämpfe der Verbündeten. Siegreiches Vordringen der Deutschen. 17 October Ostende eingenommen.

(Belgian coast

Desperate struggles of the allies. Victorious advance of the Germans. 17 October Ostend taken.)

Kunstverlag Eug. Felle, Isny, Wttbg. (Art publisher Eug. Furs, Isny, ​​Wittenburg??.)

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The maps are from period publications, maps, magazines, books, and, many of them, postcards. Some are hand drawn.