Map of the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Bulgarian advance into Serbia in October and November, 1915, with the Central Power offensive along the Greek border in August 1916 and the Allied counteroffensive the following month. Map from the Reichsarchiv Herbstschlacht in Macedonien (Autumn battle in Macedonia).

Vormarsch durch Serbien 1915 und Augmarsch an der griechischen Grenze.
Skizze 2
Vormarsch im Oktober u. November 1915
Stellung Ende Oktober 1915
Dauerstellung an der griechischen Grenze und Offensive August 1916
Feindlicher Gegenangriff September 1916
1: 2 250 000
'Schlachten des Weltkrieges'
Druck und Verlag von Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg i. O.
Advance through Serbia 1915 and March on the Greek Border.
Sketch 2
Advance in October and November 1915
Position end of October 1915
Stable position on the Greek border and offensive August 1916
Enemy counterattack of September 1916
Battles of the World War'
Printing and Publishing Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg im Osten
Other views:
Front, Larger