Lithographed German color postcard with inset map of the German concession of Kiautschau in China, postmarked 1898, the year that Germany formalized its seizure of the territory from China with a 99-year lease.

Geograph. Ansichtskarten Gesetzl. Geschützt. D.R.G.M. No. 89354
Das von Deutschland besetzte Fort.
Verlag v. G. Sternkopf, Halle, Deutschland
Hafen Einfahrt von Kiautschau
Deutsches Pachtgebeit
Neutrale Zone
Höhen und Tiefen in Metern
Geographer. Postcards VAT. Protected. D.R.G.M. No. 89 354
The fort occupied by Germany
Published by G. Sternkopf, Halle, Germany
Harbor entrance from Kiaochow
[Map legend:]
German concession
neutral zone
Heights and depths in meters
Message dated April 29, 1898
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