Postcard map of Galicia, one of the Austro-Hungarian theaters of war, from Cracow to Tarnopol along the north of the Carpathian Mountains. The region includes the fortress city of Przemyśl.

Östl. Kriegsschauplatz. 3. Galizien - Lublin - Warschau
Maßst[ab]. 1:4500000
Festungen, Forts.; Eisenbahnen
Eastern Front. 3. Galicia - Lublin - Warsaw
Scale 1:4500000
Fortresses, Forts; Railroads
Sammlung J. Thomas, Sachrang/Obb.
Adolf Brandstätter, Postkarten-Verlag
Beilitz (Oesterr., Schles.)
Postkarten des östlichen Kriegschauplatzes Nr. 3. Import.
Collection of J. Thomas, Sachrang / Bavaria.
Adolf Brandstätter, postcard publisher
Beilitz (Austrian, Schleswig.)
Postcards of the eastern theater of war No. 3 Imports.
Message date and field postmark, September 29, 1915
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