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Germany declares war on France

Twenty-one Declarations of War between July 28, 1914 and August 21, 1915. Over them are the heads of state of the %+%Organization%m%61%n%Dreibund%-%: Sultan Mehmet V of Turkey, Kaiser Franz Josef I of Austria-Hungary, and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.

Kriegsklärungen des Weltkrieges.
Zum bleibenden Gedächtnis.
28. Juli 1914: Österreich-Ungarn an Serbien.
1. August: Deutschland an Russland.
3. August: Deutschland an Frankreich.
3. August: Deutschland an Belgien.
4. August: England an Deutschland.
5. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Russland.
6. August: Serbien an Deutschland.
11 August: Montenegro an Österreich-Ungarn.
11 August: Montenegro an Deutschland.
11 August: Frankreich an Österreich-Ungarn.
13 August: England an Österreich-Ungarn.
23 August: Japan an Deutschland.
25. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Japan.
28. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Belgien.
2. November: Russland an die Türkei.
5. November: Frankreich an die Türkei.
5. November: England an die Türkei.
7. November: Belgien an die Türkei.
7. November: Serbien an die Türkei.
23. Mai 1915: Italien an Österreich-Ungarn.
21. August: Italien an die Türkei.
War Declaration of the World War.
For lasting memory.
July 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary on Serbia.
August 1: Germany on Russia.
August 3: Germany on France.
August 3: Germany on Belgium.
August 4: England on Germany.
August 5: Austria-Hungary on Russia.
August 6: Serbia on Germany.
August 11: Montenegro on Austria-Hungary.
August 11: Montenegro on Germany.
August 11: France on Austria-Hungary.
August 13: England on Austria-Hungary.
August 23: Japan on Germany.
August 25: Austria-Hungary on Japan.
August 28: Austria-Hungary to Belgium.
November 2: Russia on Turkey.
November 5: France on Turkey.
November 5: England on Turkey.
November 7: Belgium on Turkey.
November 7: Serbia on Turkey.
May 23, 1915: Italy on Austria-Hungary.
August 21: Italy on Turkey.
Verlag: Buchdruckerei "In

Twenty-one Declarations of War between July 28, 1914 and August 21, 1915. Over them are the heads of state of the Dreibund: Sultan Mehmet V of Turkey, Kaiser Franz Josef I of Austria-Hungary, and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.

Image text


Kriegsklärungen des Weltkrieges.

Zum bleibenden Gedächtnis.

28. Juli 1914: Österreich-Ungarn an Serbien.

1. August: Deutschland an Russland.

3. August: Deutschland an Frankreich.

3. August: Deutschland an Belgien.

4. August: England an Deutschland.

5. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Russland.

6. August: Serbien an Deutschland.

11 August: Montenegro an Österreich-Ungarn.

11 August: Montenegro an Deutschland.

11 August: Frankreich an Österreich-Ungarn.

13 August: England an Österreich-Ungarn.

23 August: Japan an Deutschland.

25. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Japan.

28. August: Österreich-Ungarn an Belgien.

2. November: Russland an die Türkei.

5. November: Frankreich an die Türkei.

5. November: England an die Türkei.

7. November: Belgien an die Türkei.

7. November: Serbien an die Türkei.

23. Mai 1915: Italien an Österreich-Ungarn.

21. August: Italien an die Türkei.


War Declaration of the World War.

For lasting memory.

July 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary on Serbia.

August 1: Germany on Russia.

August 3: Germany on France.

August 3: Germany on Belgium.

August 4: England on Germany.

August 5: Austria-Hungary on Russia.

August 6: Serbia on Germany.

August 11: Montenegro on Austria-Hungary.

August 11: Montenegro on Germany.

August 11: France on Austria-Hungary.

August 13: England on Austria-Hungary.

August 23: Japan on Germany.

August 25: Austria-Hungary on Japan.

August 28: Austria-Hungary to Belgium.

November 2: Russia on Turkey.

November 5: France on Turkey.

November 5: England on Turkey.

November 7: Belgium on Turkey.

November 7: Serbia on Turkey.

May 23, 1915: Italy on Austria-Hungary.

August 21: Italy on Turkey.


Verlag: Buchdruckerei "Industrie", Wien VII.

Publisher: book printer "Industry", Vienna VII

Logo: lozenge, Maltese Cross, Shield, "1914"

Other views: Larger, Larger

Germany declares war on France.


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