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Short Rations: an American Woman in Germany 1915-1916

by Madeleine Z. Doty

Facsimile of a handbill announcing the return of the German commercial submarine %i1%Deutschland%i0% which had evaded the British blockade to surface in Chesapeake Bay on July 9, 1916, docking at Norfolk, Virginia. It sailed to Baltimore, Maryland the next day. From %i1%Short Rations: an American Woman in Germany 1915-1916%i0% by Madeleine Z. Doty
Mehr als 400,000 abonnenten
U-Boot 'Deutschland' eingetroffen
Bremen, 23. August 1916
Eigener Drahtbericht
Das erste Untersee-handelsschiff 'Deutschland' ist heute vor der Werfer-mündung angekommen und hat dort Anker geworfen. An Bord alles wohl.
Special Edition
More than 400,000 subscribers
Submarine 'Deutschland' arrived
Bremen, August 23, 1916
Private wire report
The first commercial submarine 'Deutschland' arrived today at the estuary from which it was launched, and has cast anchor there. On board, all is well.

Facsimile of a handbill — a special edition of the Berlin Morgenpost — announcing the return of the German commercial submarine Deutschland which had evaded the British blockade to surface in Chesapeake Bay on July 9, 1916, docking at Norfolk, Virginia. It sailed to Baltimore, Maryland the next day. From Short Rations: an American Woman in Germany 1915-1916 by Madeleine Z. Doty

Short Rations: an American Woman in Germany 1915-1916 by Madeleine Z. Doty

Publisher: A. L. Burt Company, 1917

Copyright: 1917, by The Century Co.