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Mohammed V

Drei gegen Acht - Three against Eight.The disparity in the number of nations arrayed against the Central Powers was a popular theme, and was updated as the numbers on each side increased. Italy's entry into the war on May 23, 1915 changed the numbers again.
Central Powers (top) Sultan Mohammed V of Turkey, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Kaiser Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. Allies (center and bottom rows) Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, King George V of the United Kingdom, President Raymond Poincaré of France, King Nikola of Montenegro, King Peter of Serbia, King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, King Albert I of Belgium, Emperor Taishō of Japan.
In the center, a poem:

Drei gegen Acht.

Gebt Acht, Ihr “Acht”, es blitzt und kracht
und schlägt manch’ schwere Lücke.
Jung-Siegfrieds Schwert schlug unversehrt
Den Ambosz einst in Stücke.
Und Treue, Mut und Einigkeit
Geb’ uns zum Siege das Geleit.
- Richard Ott

Three against eight

Take heed, your "night" flashes and crashes
And suggests some serious gap.
Young Siegfried's sword split the anvil
Yet stayed intact.
And loyalty, courage and unity
Will lead us to victory.
- Translation John Shea

Reverse: Postmarked Frankfurt, July 21, 1915

The disparity in the number of nations arrayed against the Central Powers was a common motif, and was updated as the numbers on each side increased. Italy's entry into the war on May 23, 1915 changed the numbers again.

Central Powers (top) Sultan Mohammed V of Turkey, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Kaiser Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. Allies (center and bottom rows) Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, King George V of the United Kingdom, President Raymond Poincaré of France, King Nikola of Montenegro, King Peter of Serbia, King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, King Albert I of Belgium, Emperor Taishō of Japan.

In the center, a poem: Drei gegen Acht, Three against Eight.

Image text

Drei gegen Acht.

Gebt Acht, Ihr “Acht”, es blitzt und kracht

und schlägt manch’ schwere Lücke.

Jung-Siegfrieds Schwert schlug unversehrt

Den Ambosz einst in Stücke.

Und Treue, Mut und Einigkeit

Geb’ uns zum Siege das Geleit.

- Richard Ott

Three against eight

Take heed, your "night" flashes and crashes

And suggests some serious gap.

Young Siegfried's sword split the anvil

Yet stayed intact.

And loyalty, courage and unity

Will lead us to victory.


Postmarked Frankfurt, July 21, 1915

Other views: Larger, Back

Mohammed V was Sultan of Turkey, ostensibly the Head of State.

In 1908, the Young Turks had seized power, restored the Turkish Constitution of 1876, and limited the power of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. After attempting a counter-coup, Sultan Abdul Hamid was deposed in 1909, and replaced by his brother Mohammed V.

Throughout World War I, the Sultan Mohammed V was primarily a figurehead in a country increasingly ruled by War Minister Enver Pasha.


Roles held by Mohammed V

Role Start Date End Date
Head of State