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Cesare Battisti

Cesare Battisti, in the background, indicated by a white cross over his head, being marched by Austro-Hungarian soldiers to his execution by garrotting, July 12, 1916. Battisti struggled for Italia irredenta, unredeemed Italy, Austro-Hungarian territory populated largely by ethnic Italians. The picture is from a series of photographs released by the Austrians as postcards.
C. Battisti scende le scale della fossa seguito dal Cappellano Militare.
C. Baptists descends the stairs of the ditch followed by a Military Chaplain.
Fotografia Depositata
Reproduzione Interdetta
Ed. Fot. S. Perdomi – Trento
Filed photograph; reproduction prohibited.

Cesare Battisti, in the background, indicated by a white cross over his head, being marched by Austro-Hungarian soldiers to his execution by garrotting, July 12, 1916. Battisti struggled for Italia irredenta, unredeemed Italy, Austro-Hungarian territory populated largely by ethnic Italians. The picture is from a series of photographs released by the Austrians as postcards.

Image text

C. Battisti scende le scale della fossa seguito dal Cappellano Militare.

C. Baptists descends the stairs of the ditch followed by a Military Chaplain.


Fotografia Depositata

Reproduzione Interdetta

Ed. Fot. S. Perdomi – Trento

Filed photograph; reproduction prohibited.

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Cesare Battisti, executed as a traitor July 12, 1916. Born in Austria-Hungary, Battisti struggled for Italia irredenta, unredeemed Italy, Austro-Hungarian territory populated largely by ethnic Italians.

Battisti was elected a member of the Austrian Reichsrat, the Imperial Council, in 1911, representing Trentino.

He fled to Italy when Austria-Hungary went to war in 1914, and advocated for Italy joining the Entente Allies. When Italy did in 1915, Battisti joined the Italian Army.

He was captured by the Austro-Hungarians on July 10, 1916 after the Asiago Offensive.

Battisti was convicted of high treason, and sentenced to death by strangulation. His execution was documented in photographs released by the Austrians. The brutality of his garroting, his dangling corpse, and gloating executioners damaged Austria-Hungary's reputation.

July 12, 1916


Roles held by Cesare Battisti

Role Start Date End Date
Political Activist