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Eastern Front

Postcard map of East Prussia and Polish Russia with a message and postmark, Vienna, August 20, 1915. From a series that asks, 'Do you know the high times?'
Kennen Sie schon 'Die grosse Zeit'
die neue vom Verlag Ullstein & Co. herausgegebene illustrierte Kriegsgeschichte? Wenn nicht, lassen Sie sich die bereits erschienenen Hefte von Ihren Buchhändler vorlegen. Das Werk gibt in zeitlicher Reihenfolge eine packende reich illustrierte Darstellung der Kriegsereignisse; jedes Heft ist erzeln erhältlich und kostet 30 Pfennig.
Do you know 'The big time' 
new from publisher Ullstein & Co., a published illustrated history of the war? If not, you can acquire the already published issues from your bookseller. In chronological order, the book gives a gripping and richly illustrated presentation of the war; each issue is available and costs 30 cents.
B.Z. Kriegskarte
Verlag der B.Z. am Mittag, Berlin
B.Z. War Card 
Publisher of B.Z. at Noon, Berlin
Message and postmark, Vienna, August 20, 1915

Postcard map of East Prussia and Polish Russia with a message and postmark, Vienna, August 20, 1915. From a series that asks, 'Do you know the high times?'

Image text

Kennen Sie schon 'Die grosse Zeit'

die neue vom Verlag Ullstein & Co. herausgegebene illustrierte Kriegsgeschichte? Wenn nicht, lassen Sie sich die bereits erschienenen Hefte von Ihren Buchhändler vorlegen. Das Werk gibt in zeitlicher Reihenfolge eine packende reich illustrierte Darstellung der Kriegsereignisse; jedes Heft ist erzeln erhältlich und kostet 30 Pfennig.

Do you know 'The big time'

new from publisher Ullstein & Co., a published illustrated history of the war? If not, you can acquire the already published issues from your bookseller. In chronological order, the book gives a gripping and richly illustrated presentation of the war; each issue is available and costs 30 cents.


B.Z. Kriegskarte

Verlag der B.Z. am Mittag, Berlin

B.Z. War Card

Publisher of B.Z. at Noon, Berlin

Message and postmark, Vienna, August 20, 1915

Other views: Larger, Back

The Eastern Front was Germany's and Austria-Hungary's Russian Front.

With seven armies in the west, Germany held East Prussia with one army against two Russian. By August 29, the Germans had encircled most of Russia's Second Army, and taken 90,000 prisoners at Tannenberg. They then cost the First Army many casualties.

Austria-Hungary and Russia collided in Galicia, northeastern Austria-Hungary, on the Russian side of the Carpathian Mountains. In four battles in August and September, the Austro-Hungarians first drove back the Russians, but were finally outmaneuvered and overwhelmed.

In fighting from late September to early December, German and Austro-Hungarian forces swept east in Polish Russia and Galicia, taking and retaking territory before being driven back by a now fully-mobilized Russian army.

In early 1915 the Russians tried to break through the Carpathians. After a months-long seige they took the fortress of Przemyśl in March. To save their ally, Germany launched the Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive on May 3, beginning an advance of 300 miles that continued to September, regaining Galicia and taking Russian Poland.

Russia's Brusilov Offensive against the Austro-Hungarians begun June 4, 1916 across a broad front was one of the most successful of the war, and effectively broke the independent Habsburg army which officially lost 500,000 men.

Russia's 1917 February Revolution brought a new government to power, one still committed to war. July's Kerensky Offensive was Russia's last. October's Bolshevik Revolution led to a ceasefire on December 12, 1917.

Russia walked away from negotiations in February 1918 and Germany continued advancing until the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed in March.

Eastern Front is a battle front in Europe.

More about Eastern Front:

The Eastern Front
A sample pie chart graphic

Some books about Eastern Front (8)

Title Author Last Name Author First Name
Suicide of the Empires Clark Alan
Nurse at the Russian Front, a Diary 1914-18 Farmborough Florence
Carpathian Disaster: Death of an Army Jukes Geoffrey
Russia and History's Turning Point Kerensky Alexander
An Ambassador's Memoirs Vol. I Paléologue Maurice
An Ambassador's Memoirs Vol. II Paléologue Maurice
An Ambassador's Memoirs Vol. III Paléologue Maurice
The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 Stone Norman