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The Kingdom of Romania

Neutral Romania, personified as a woman in national dress, raises the Romanian flag before her wealth of wheat, baskets of bread, and barrels of food and oil, barring the path of a train from which a Turkish fez peeps. The illustration is not geographically accurate, as Romania did not share a border with Turkey, but did (and does) with Bulgaria, her southern neighbor, who peers over a hill to the right. Over Romania's right shoulder, the spiked helmet of Germany and shako of Austria-Hungary rise above the horizon. By Em. DuPuis, 1916. Romania formally set aside the prudence referred to in the caption on August 27, 1916 when she declared war on Austria-Hungary; she was soon at war with Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey as well.
Prudence est mère de Sécurité . . . Roumanie
Prudence is the mother of Security.
Visé Paris No. 116.
Logo: Paris Color 152 Quai de Jemmapes
Carte Postale

Neutral Romania, personified as a woman in national dress, raises the Romanian flag before her wealth of wheat, baskets of bread, and barrels of food and oil, barring the path of a train from which a Turkish fez peeps. The illustration is not geographically accurate, as Romania did not share a border with Turkey, but did (and does) with Bulgaria, her southern neighbor, who peers over a hill to the right. Over Romania's right shoulder, the spiked helmet of Germany and shako of Austria-Hungary rise above the horizon. By Em. DuPuis, 1916. Romania formally set aside the prudence referred to in the caption on August 27, 1916 when she declared war on Austria-Hungary; she was soon at war with Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey as well.

Image text

Signed Em. DuPuis, 1916.

Prudence est mère de Sécurité . . . Roumanie

Prudence is the mother of Security


Visé Paris No. 116.

Logo: Paris Color 152 Quai de Jemmapes

Carte Postale

Other views: Larger

The former Ottoman provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia united in 1861 as an autonomous state before becoming the independent kingdom of Romania in 1878 after the Russo-Turkish War.

Not sharing a border with Turkey, Romania played no part in the First Balkan War of 1912-13, in which Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro defeated Turkey with the victors expanding their territory at Turkey's expense.

Dissatisfied with Serbia's refusal to honor pre-war commitments on the division of territory, Bulgaria launched the Second Balkan War against Serbia and Greece, but was defeated when Romania struck its rear.

With the Danube River forming a natural border between Romania and Bulgaria, Romania made relatively small claims on Bulgaria, expanding its territory in southern Dobruja between the Danube and the Black Sea.

Romania’s nationalist ambitions were to expand by incorporating the largely Romanian populations of Austria-Hungary in Transylvania, and of Russia in Bessarabia.

Both the Central Powers and the Entente Allies tried to entice the neutral nations to join their war effort. Romania initially declared neutrality, but declared war on Austria-Hungary on August 27, 1916. Although the Allies encouraged Romania to attack Bulgaria from the north as Allied forces attacked from the south, Romania crossed it natural mountain defenses and invaded Transylvania.

After initial success, Romania was swiftly defeated in 1916, but retained a fighting force in its northeast province of Moldavia, holding a front with Russian troops.

Romania returned to the war on November 10, 1918.

Romania mobilized 1,249,601 men for the war, and suffered 510,000 casualties killed, wounded, and missing. Of the Entente Allies, only Russia, France, Great Britain, and Italy fielded more men.

The Kingdom of Romania is a country in Europe.

More about The Kingdom of Romania:

Romania at War, 1916
Romania at War, 1917
Romania at War, 1918
A sample pie chart graphic

Statistics for Romania (1)

Type Statistic
Population 6,996,000

Some places in The Kingdom of Romania (4)

Click to View Location Type
Bucharest City
Dobruja Region
Moldavia Region
Walachia Region

Some books about Romania (6)

Title Author Last Name Author First Name
Romania in World War I, a Synopsis of Military History Alexandrescu Vasile
Nurse at the Russian Front, a Diary 1914-18 Farmborough Florence
The Great War and the Romanians: Notes and Documents on World War I Petrescu-Comnène Nicholae
Antwerp to Gallipoli Ruhl Arthur
The Balkans, A Laboratory of History Sloane William
The Romanian Battlefront in World War I Torrey Glenn