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Romania in World War I, a Synopsis of Military History

by Vasile Alexandrescu

Map of the the Balkan Front — Germany's Southeast Front — with the mountain passes between Austria-Hungary and Romania. From the Reichsarchiv history of the wars in Serbia and Romania, Herbstschlacht in Macedonien; Cernabogen 1916.
The capitals of Belgrade (Serbia), Bucharest (Romania), Sofia (Bulgaria), and Constantinople (Turkey) are prominent, as is Salonica, Greece, the Allied entry port into the country.
Übersichtskarte der Süd-Ost-Front
Skizze I.
Oesterreich Ungarn
Overview map of the south-east front 
Sketch I. 

Map of the the Balkan Front — Germany's Southeast Front — with the mountain passes between Austria-Hungary and Romania. From the Reichsarchiv history of the wars in Serbia and Romania, Herbstschlacht in Macedonien; Cernabogen 1916.
The capitals of Belgrade (Serbia), Bucharest (Romania), Sofia (Bulgaria), and Constantinople (Turkey) are prominent, as is Salonica, Greece, the Allied entry port into the country.

Romania in World War I by Colonel Dr. Vasile Alexandrescu

Publisher: Military Publishing House, 1985

Copyright: 1985