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Postwar postcard map of the Balkans including Albania, newly-created Yugoslavia, expanded Romania, and diminished former Central Powers Bulgaria and Turkey. The first acquisitions of Greece in its war against Turkey are seen in Europe where it advanced almost to Constantinople, in the Aegean Islands from Samos to Rhodes, and on the Turkish mainland from its base in Smyrna. The Greco-Turkish war was fought from May 1919 to 1922. The positions shown held from the war's beginning to the summer of 1920 when Greece advanced eastward. Newly independent Hungary and Ukraine appear in the northwest and northeast.
Péninsule des Balkans
Échelle 1:12.000.000
Petit Atlas de Poche Universel
25 Édition Jeheber Genève
No. 20  Édition Jeheber, Genève (Suisse)

Superficie . . . 290 000 sq. km.
Population . . . 16 000 000 hab. (50 par sq. km.
Capitale: Bucarest . . . 338 000 hab.

Superficie . . . 100 000 sq. km.
Population . . . 4 000 000 hab. (40 par sq. km.)
Capitale: Sofia . . . 103 000 hab.

(Royaume. Capitale: Athènes.)
En Europe (y compris la Crète et les iles) 200 000 sq. km. 6 000 000 hab. 30 p. sq. km.
En Asie mineure . . . 30 000 sq. km 1 300 000 hab. 43 p. sq. km.
Total 230 000 sq. km. 7 300 000 hab. 32 p. sq. km.
Ville de plus de 50 000 habitants:
Smyrne (Asie) . . . 350 000 hab.
Athènes . . . 175 000 hab.
Salonique . . . 150 000
Andrinople . . . 70 000 hab.
Pirée . . . 70 000 hab.

Turquie d'Europe
(Empire Ottoman.)
Superficie . . . 2 000 sq. km.
Population . . . 1 100 000 550 par sq. km.
Capitale: Constantinople 1 000 000 hab.

Superficie . . . 30 000 sq. km.
Population . . . 800 000 hab. (27 par sq. km.)
Villes: Scutari . . . 30 000 hab.
Durazzo . . . 5 000 hab.

Voir le tableau des statisques de ce pays, ainsi que la carte de la partie occidentale de la Yougoslavie, sur la carte d'Italie.

Inst. Géog. Kummerl

Postwar postcard map of the Balkans including Albania, newly-created Yugoslavia, expanded Romania, and diminished former Central Powers Bulgaria and Turkey. The first acquisitions of Greece in its war against Turkey are seen in Europe where it advanced almost to Constantinople, in the Aegean Islands from Samos to Rhodes, and on the Turkish mainland from its base in Smyrna. The Greco-Turkish war was fought from May 1919 to 1922. The positions shown held from the war's beginning to the summer of 1920 when Greece advanced eastward. Newly independent Hungary and Ukraine appear in the northwest and northeast.

Image text

Péninsule des Balkans

Échelle 1:12.000.000

Petit Atlas de Poche Universel

25 Édition Jeheber Genève


No. 20 Édition Jeheber, Genève (Suisse)




Superficie . . . 290 000 sq. km.

Population . . . 16 000 000 hab. (50 par sq. km.

Capitale: Bucarest . . . 338 000 hab.



Superficie . . . 100 000 sq. km.

Population . . . 4 000 000 hab. (40 par sq. km.)

Capitale: Sofia . . . 103 000 hab.


(Royaume. Capitale: Athènes.)

En Europe (y compris la Crète et les iles) 200 000 sq. km. 6 000 000 hab. 30 p. sq. km.

En Asie mineure . . . 30 000 sq. km 1 300 000 hab. 43 p. sq. km.

Total 230 000 sq. km. 7 300 000 hab. 32 p. sq. km.

Ville de plus de 50 000 habitants:

Smyrne (Asie) . . . 350 000 hab.

Athènes . . . 175 000 hab.

Salonique . . . 150 000

Andrinople . . . 70 000 hab.

Pirée . . . 70 000 hab.

Turquie d'Europe

(Empire Ottoman.)

Superficie . . . 2 000 sq. km.

Population . . . 1 100 000 550 par sq. km.

Capitale: Constantinople 1 000 000 hab.


Superficie . . . 30 000 sq. km.

Population . . . 800 000 hab. (27 par sq. km.)

Villes: Scutari . . . 30 000 hab.

Durazzo . . . 5 000 hab.


Voir le tableau des statisques de ce pays, ainsi que la carte de la partie occidentale de la Yougoslavie, sur la carte d'Italie.

Inst. Géog. Kummerly & Frey, Berne.

Balkan Peninsula

Scale 1: 12,000,000

Little Univeral Pocket Atlas

Royaume - Kingdom

Superficie - Area

En Europe (y compris la Crète et les iles) - In Europe (including Crete and the islands)

En Asie mineure - In Asia Minor


See the table of statistics of this country, as well as the map of the western part of Yugoslavia, on the map of Italy.

Other views: Larger, Larger, Back

With the Austrian Empire, Hungary was one of two nations within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Empire centralized the military and the finance and foreign ministries in Vienna. Hungary had its own Prime Minister and parliament in Budapest. Kaiser Franz Josef was Emperor of the Austrian Empire and King of Hungary.

In Austria-Hungary's decision to go to war against Serbia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Royal Hungarian Premier Etienne Tisza was the sole opponent to an immediate decision for war in a vote taken by the Council of Ministers for Common (Austro-Hungarian) Affairs on July 7, 1914. On July 14, Tisza joined the Council's unanimous approval of war against Serbia, and told Heinrich Leopold Tschirschky, the German Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 'Together we shall now look the future calmly and firmly in the face.'

With Austria-Hungary's defeats in the Galician battles of 1914, only the successful defense of the passes in the Carpathian Mountains prevented Russian forces from advancing across the Hungarian plain to Budapest.

Relations between Austria and Hungary were strained during the war, and Hungary sometimes refused to ship food to Austria.

On August 27, 1916 Romania declared war on Austria-Hungary and invaded Transylvania which had a large Romanian population and bordered Hungary. By year's end, much of Romania had been overrun.

In October 1918, the the Hungarian 'Independent and '48er Party' demanded the 1867 Compromise be ended. Mihály Károlyi organized a national council and met with Emperor Karl on the 25th to create an independent, democratic Hungary.

On November 2, 1918, as the Empire was breaking apart, the Hungarian Republic recalled all Hungarian troops.

Hungary is a country in Austria-Hungary.