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Postcard from a series on the Armies of the European War of 1914. The French Army included units from its African colonies including Morocco and Senegal, and the Départment of Algeria.

Guerre Européenne 1914
Armée Française
Dragon, Cuirassier, Spahi (petite tenue), Chasseur d'Afrique, Chasseur a cheval, Hussard, Gendarme
Artilleur morté, Train des Equipages, Garde Républicaine (grande tenue), Tirailleur Senégalais, Tirailleur Algerien, Zouave, Infanterie de ligne, Chasseur à pied, Matelot, Génie, Infanterie de marine, Chasseur Alpin

Déposé J.C 8-9

European War 1914 
French Army
Dragoon, Cuirassier , Spahi (field dress), African Chasseur, Mounted Chasseur, Hussar, Policeman
Gunner, Train Crew, Republican Guard (full dress), Senegalese infantryman, Algerian infantryman, Zouave, Line Infantry, Chasseur,
Sailor, Engineer, Marine, Alpine Chasseur

Filed J.C 8-9

Postcard from a series on the Armies of the European War of 1914. The French Army included units from its African colonies including Morocco and Senegal, and the Départment of Algeria.

Image text

Guerre Européenne 1914

Armée Française


Dragon, Cuirassier, Spahi (petite tenue), Chasseur d'Afrique, Chasseur a cheval, Hussard, Gendarme


Artilleur morté, Train des Equipages, Garde Républicaine (grande tenue), Tirailleur Senégalais, Tirailleur Algerien, Zouave, Infanterie de ligne, Chasseur à pied, Matelot, Génie, Infanterie de marine, Chasseur Alpin

Déposé J.C 8-9

European War 1914

French Army


Dragoon, Cuirassier , Spahi (field dress), African Chasseur, Mounted Chasseur, Hussar, Policeman


Gunner, Train Crew, Republican Guard (full dress), Senegalese infantryman, Algerian infantryman, Zouave, Line Infantry, Chasseur, Sailor, Engineer, Marine, Alpine Chasseur

Filed J.C 8-9

Reverse, handwritten:

Un bon gros baiser pour le cher bijou de 11 mois.

A great big kiss for the dear jewel of 11 months.

Other views: Larger, Larger, Back

Morocco was a French colony in North Africa.

The French Armée d’Afrique, the Army of Africa, consisted of troops from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. Native Arabs and Berbers were typically light cavalry or infantry — spahis and tirailleurs. French settlers typically served as Chasseurs d'Afrique or Zouaves — again, light cavalry or infantry.

In 1914, Moroccan troops fought in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Frontiers and in the Battle of the Marne.

On May 9, 1915, in the Second Battle of Artois, the Moroccan Division broke the German front for the first time and took Hill 140, their objective. Months later, on September 25, the Division fought in the Second Battle of Champagne at Butte de Souain and Bois Sabot.

In 1916, Moroccans fought in the Battle of the Somme, which began July 1. On July 4 the Division was in combat at Assevillers, Bellov en Santerre, and Barleux.

In 1917, the Moroccan Division was again in Champagne, and fighting in the Second Battle of the Aisne (the Battle of Chemin des Dames), the culmination of the disastrous Nivelle Offensive.

In 1918, Moroccan troops were in Lorraine. In April, during the German Spring Offensives, they were on the Somme.

Morocco is a colony in Africa.