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Moroccan Division

Detail from the Memorial to the French Moroccan Division at Vimy Ridge. The theaters and battles in which the division played a role are recorded on the sides of the monument.
La Lorraine
January 8 - Flirey
the Somme
April 26 - Villers-Bretonneux, Bois de Hangard
the Aisne
May 30 - Vauxbuin, Chazelle
June 12 - Ambleny
July 18 to 20 - Dommiers Chaudum
September 2 to 8 - Terny-Sorny, Moulin de Laffaux, Allemant
November 11 - Victory
November 17 - Entree a Chateau-Salins

Detail from the Memorial to the French Moroccan Division at Vimy Ridge. The theaters and battles in which the division played a role are recorded on the sides of the monument. © 2013, John M. Shea

Image text


La Lorraine

January 8 - Flirey

the Somme

April 26 - Villers-Bretonneux, Bois de Hangard

the Aisne

May 30 - Vauxbuin, Chazelle

June 12 - Ambleny

July 18 to 20 - Dommiers Chaudum

September 2 to 8 - Terny-Sorny, Moulin de Laffaux, Allemant

November 11 - Victory

November 17 - Entree a Chateau-Salins

Other views: Front, Detail, Left Side

Moroccan Division

On the Chemin des Canadiens, at the parking lot for and entrance to the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, is a memorial to the dead of the Moroccan Division. The facade of the memorial celebrates the Division's victory at the Second Battle of Artois, in which the Moroccan Division broke the German front for the first time.

The Division fought at:

1914: the Ardennes and the Marne

1915: in Belgium, Artois, and Champagne

1916: the Somme

1917: Champagne and Verdun

1918: Lorraine, and on the Somme and Aisne Rivers


the Ardennes

August 28 - La Fosse a l'Eeau

August 30 - Bertoncourt

September 1 - Alincourt

the Marne

September 6 to 9 - Coizard, Mondement

December 30 - Ferme d'Alger



January 28 - Nieuport, la Grande Dune


May 9 - la Cote 140

June 16 - Ravin de Souchez


September 25 - Butte de Souain, Bois Sabot


the Somme

July 4 - Assevillers, Bellov en Santerre, Barleux



April 17 - Moronvilliers, Mont sans Nom, Auberive


August 20 - Cumieres, Bois des Corbeaux, Forges Regnieville



January 8 - Flirey

the Somme

April 26 - Villers-Bretonneux, Bois de Hangard

the Aisne

May 30 - Vauxbuin, Chazelle

June 12 - Ambleny

July 18 to 20 - Dommiers Chaudum

September 2 to 8 - Terny-Sorny, Moulin de Laffaux, Allemant

November 11 - Victory

November 17 - Entered Chateau-Salins

On May 9, 1915, the units of the Division were:

Au 9 Mai 1915

Unités de la Division Marocaine

Régiment de Marche Legion Étrangère

Régiment de Marche 4eme Tirailleurs

Régiment de Marche 8eme Zouaves

Régiment de Marche 7eme Tirailleurs

Batteries des Groupes Artilleries de Campagne d'Afrique devenues 276eme Rac.

Batteries d'Artillerie des Tranchées 111/6 161/6

2eme Génie 19/52, 26/2, 8eme Génie Telegraphistes

5eme Chausseurs d'Afrique - 1re Spahis

15e et 23e Cies du 6eme Train - Ambulances 9/9, 10/9, 12/9

On May 9, 1915


Moroccan Division is an infantry division in French Army.