German postcard map of the Romanian theater of war, with map labels in Bulgarian added in red. From north to south the labels are Russia, the Austro-Hungarian regions of Galicia and Bukovina, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and, along the Black Sea, the Romania region of Dobruja. Romania's primary war aim was the annexation of the Austro-Hungarian region of Transylvania, with its large ethnic Romanian population.
Vogelschaukarte des rumänischen Kriegschauplatzes.German map labels:Vogelschaukarte des rumänischen Kriegschauplatzes.RuslandGalizienBukowinaUngarnRumaniaBulgariaDobrudschaBulgarian overprint in red:на румънския театър на войнатаБърд око на картата на румънския театър на войната.Лтичи погдедъъ Бърд око на картата на румънския войната театърРусияГалисияБуковинаУнгарияРумънияБългарияДобруджаA 498 E.P. & Co. A.-G. L.
"Some Russian units were turned back [by the Romanians] without major bloodshed. However, several large-scale pitched battles occurred. At Galaţi, the 9th ID and 10th ID of the IV Siberian Corps engaged the Romanian 4th ID in two days of fighting on 20–21 January 1918. After experiencing some success and taking a number of Romanian prisoners, the Russians were thrown into disorder by a determined Romanian use of bayonets, artillery, and fire from Danube monitors. This convinced the 9th ID to submit to disarmament and seek refuge in German lines to the west on 22 January."
Romania entered the war on the side of the Entente Allies on August 27, 1916, and was overrun by Central Power forces by the end of the year, driven out of Wallachia and Dobruja and back to Moldavia where the Russians held the Allied line. After rebuilding with support, training, and weapons from France, the Romanian army returned to battle in July, 1917, in joint Russian-Romanian offensives. After the Bolshevik Revolution in November, 1917, Russian soldiers, in many instances, simply left the front, sometimes pillaging. Romania tried to organize and disarm departing Russians, sometimes unsuccessfully.
The Romanian Battlefront in World War I by Glenn E. Torrey, pp. 268–269, copyright © 2011 by the University Press of Kansas, publisher: University Press of Kansas, publication date: 2011
1918-01-21, 1918, January, Romania