An illustration of the French 75 mm. field artillery cannon in action with portraits of its developers, Deport and Sainte Claire Deville. The sender of the card credits it with the victory of the Marne. Illustration by A. Chrimona [?] Ehrmann [?]. Thanks to for clarifying some of the text.

Le 75. La merveille de la guerre européenne, due au génie inventif de deux officiers français, fait, par la rapidité de son pointage, de son tir (21 coups à la minute) et par sa précision, la supériorité de l'artillerie française.
The 75. The marvel of the European war, due to the inventive genius of two French officers, has proven, by the rapidity of its aiming, of its firing (21 shots per minute) and its accuracy, the superiority of the French artillery .
[Handwritten] 75 [mm] Cannon
la terreur des Boches
la gloire de l'armée française
le vainqueur de la Marne.
Je vais bien
Je t'embrasse
Édition Pro Patria.
[Handwritten]? 75
the terror of the Boches
the glory of the French army
the conqueror of Marne.
I'm fine
I embrace you
Pro Patria edition.
Thanks to for clarifying some of the text.
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