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Photograph of the Russian monk Grigory Rasputin from The War of the Nations Portfolio in Rotogravure Etchings Compiled from the Mid-Week Pictorial. Tsar Nicholas of Russia and his wife were introduced to Rasputin in 1907. According to Maurice Paléologue, French Ambassador to Russia, Rasputin, 'wheedled them, dazzled them, dominated them.'
Gregory Rasputin, the charlatan who was the evil genius of the Russian Court and was assassinated in December, 1916.

Photograph of the Russian monk Grigory Rasputin from The War of the Nations Portfolio in Rotogravure Etchings Compiled from the Mid-Week Pictorial. Tsar Nicholas of Russia and his wife were introduced to Rasputin in 1907. According to Maurice Paléologue, French Ambassador to Russia, Rasputin, 'wheedled them, dazzled them, dominated them.'

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Gregory Rasputin, the charlatan who was the evil genius of the Russian Court and was assassinated in December, 1916.

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Saturday, February 5, 1916

"For the last three days I have been gathering information from all quarters about the new President of the Council,and I have no reason to congratulate myself on what I have ascertained. . . .

Neither his personal qualifications nor his administrative record and social position marked him out as fitted for the high office which has just been entrusted to him, to the astonishment of everyone. But his appointment becomes intelligible on the supposition that he has been selected solely as a tool; in other words, actually on account of his insignificance and servility. This choice has been inspired by the Empress's
camarilla, and warmly recommended to the Emperor by Rasputin, with whom Sturmer is on the most intimate terms. All this means pleasant times ahead!"

Quotation Context

First and last paragraphs of the entry for February 5, 1916 from the memoirs of Maurice Paléologue, French Ambassador to Russia. To the Extent Russia had a bicameral legislature, the Russian Council of the Empire was the upper, and appointed, house, the Duma the lower. Empress Alexandra wrote frequently to her husband Tsar Nicholas II urging him to replace key political and military figures. The appointments originated from her counselor Rasputin. A camarilla is a clique, the persons who, in an unofficial capacity, influence someone of greater authority.


An Ambassador's Memoirs Vol. II by Maurice Paléologue, page 166, publisher: George H. Doran Company


1916-02-05, 1916, February, Rasputin, Sturmer, Empress, Tsarista, Empress Alexandra, Tsarista Alexandra