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An Austro-Hungarian artillery train advancing against Montenegro watched by two civilians. A 1915 postcard.
Vormarsch gegen Montenegro
Advance against Montenegro
214 — 1915

An Austro-Hungarian artillery train advancing against Montenegro watched by two civilians. A 1915 postcard.

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Vormarsch gegen Montenegro

Advance against Montenegro


214 — 1915

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Wednesday, February 2, 1916

"General Headquarters is being moved. As the railway bridge is not yet repaired, the provisioning service between the two stations is carried on by motor truck. But is spite of the very inadequate facilities for transporting the general food supply, all the vehicles have been requisitioned to help move Headquarters.

Columns of trucks wind over the mountains, packed with cases of champagne, wire-spring beds, floor lamps, special kitchen equipment, and various crates of delicacies. The troops receive a third of their normal rations. The infantry at the front has had only a morsel of bread for four days, but the staff officers' mess serves the usual four-course dinners."

Quotation Context

February, 1916, excerpt from the journal of Pál Kelemen, an Hungarian cavalryman in Montenegro, which, after the defeat of Serbia in October and November, 1915, had surrendered in January.


The Beauty and the Sorrow: An Intimate History of the First World War by Peter Englund, pp. 216, 217, copyright © 2009 by Peter England, publisher: Vintage Books, publication date: 2012


1916-02-02, 1916, February, Montenegro, Austria-Hungary Invades Montenegro