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Zweibund — the Dual Alliance — Germany and Austria-Hungary united, were the core of the Central Powers, and here join hands. The bars of Germany's flag border the top left, and those of the Habsburg Austrian Empire and ruling house the bottom right.
Schulter an Schulter
Untrennbar vereint
in Freud und in Leid!'

Shoulder to shoulder
Inseparably united 
in joy and in sorrow!

Zweibund — the Dual Alliance — Germany and Austria-Hungary united, were the core of the Central Powers, and here join hands. The bars of Germany's flag border the top left, and those of the Habsburg Austrian Empire and ruling house the bottom right.

Image text

Schulter an Schulter

Untrennbar vereint

in Freud und in Leid!'

Shoulder to shoulder

Inseparably united

in joy and in sorrow!

Other views: Larger, Back

Saturday, January 16, 1915

"On January 11th [1915] the tide turned, but it was not until January 16th, when a strongly fortified Turkish position at Zivin, a few miles west of Kara Urgan, was stormed, that victory was assured and the Turks were thoroughly routed. 'Despite violent snowstorms, which lasted from the 8th to the 16th of January, rendering the roads very difficult, our troops by dint of the greatest heroism and extraordinary tenacity progressed continuously with attack after attack,' says the Russian communiqué of February 1st; 'the enemy's forces were completely broken up and retreated precipitately, abandoning wounded and ammunition and flinging their guns down precipices.'"

Quotation Context

The Turkish offensive that aimed to seize the frontier rail terminus at Sarikamish before advancing on Russia's fortress at Kars ended in disaster in the mountains, snow, and bitter weather of the Caucasus. On January 16, 1915, the Battle of Sarikamish, which had begun on December 24, 1914, was drawing to a close.


The Great Events of the Great War in Seven Volumes by Charles F. Horne, Vol. III, 1915, pp. 47, 48, copyright © 1920 by The National Alumnia, publisher: The National Alumni, publication date: 1920


1915-01-16, 1915, January