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French commander Joffre opens an Easter egg to reveal Alsace. The sender sent kisses to Jeanne Charbonnel on April 10, 1915. April 4 was Easter.
Paques 1915
à la France qui l'a bien méritée
Easter 1915
to France who has well deserved her
Signed HArmenoul 1915
Bons baisers
Bons baisers

French commander Joffre opens an Easter egg to reveal Alsace. The sender sent kisses to Jeanne Charbonnel on April 10, 1915. April 4 was Easter.

Image text

Paques 1915


à la France qui l'a bien méritée

Easter 1915


to France who has well deserved her

Signed HArmenoul 1915


Bons baisers



Bons baisers


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Sunday, April 4, 1915

"In Memorium [Easter 1915]

The flowers left thick at nightfall in the wood

This Eastertide call into mind the men,

Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, should

Have gathered them and will do never again."

Quotation Context

"In Memorium [Easter 1915]' by Edward Thomas. An English writer, Thomas began writing poetry in 1914, after being encouraged to do so by the American poet Robert Frost. He enlisted in the Artists' Rifles in July 1915, and was promoted to Lance-Corporal by November. Thomas's June 1916 application for a commission in the Royal Artillery was accepted in September. By the end of the year he was a 2nd Lieutenant and volunteered to serve overseas. In February 1917, he was serving in the Arras sector, where the British were preparing a major offensive. On April 9, 1917, in the first hour of the Battle of Arras, Edward Thomas was killed by a shell.


The Collected Poems of Edward Thomas by Edward Thomas, page 58, copyright © R. George Thomas 1978, 1981, publisher: Oxford University Press, publication date: 1981


Easter, 1915, 1915-04-04, April, Edward Thomas, Paques 1915, Easter 1915, Ostern 1915