Postcard of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kaiser Franz Joseph, in the Secessionist style. Kaiser Wilhelm is wearing the uniform and shako of the Death's Head Hussars.
Völkerkrieg (people's war)1914; In Treue FestPeople's WarFirm in Loyalty
"Meanwhile, during the 5th September [1914], north-east of the capital, General Maunoury's Sixth Army had by General Galliéni's orders advanced north of the Marne towards the Ourcq, and in the afternoon had come into contact with the German IV. Reserve Corps between Meaux and St. Soupplets. This Army was steadily increasing in numbers as divisions reached it from the east."
The long retreat of French and British forces has ended, and French Commander Joffre had ordered his counterattack for September 6, 1914. Joffre had been building the Sixth Army, redeploying troops from the French right wing to its left.
Military Operations France and Belgium, 1914, Vol. I, August to October by J. E. Edmonds, page 258, copyright © Second Edition 1925, publisher: MacMillan and Co., Limited, publication date: 1925
the Marne, 1914, September, 1914-09-05