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Grand Duke Nicholas

Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, uncle of the Tsar and Commander of the Russian Army until the Gorlice-Tarnow defeat.
Le Grand-Duc Nicolas
Grand Duke Nicholas
Anemia, clorosis, opilación, convalecensias, y todos los estados de debilitación del organismo tienen un remedio seguro en las Grajeas de Taburol Monal.
Verdadera sangre artificial, reconstituyente ideal.
Superior a los ferruginosos, a los fostados, y a los jugos de carne.
Da energia; da fuerza.
Devuelve la salud aun a los enfermos más agotados.
Numerosas atestiguaciones de curaciones.
Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

For anemia, chlorosis, opilación, convalescence, and all states weakening the body, a sure remedy is Taburol Monal lozenges.
True artificial blood, perfect tonic.
Superior to ferrous tablets, elixirs , and gravies.
Energizes. Strengthens.
Restores health to the sick even the most exhausted.
Numerous affidavits of cures.
Monal & Co., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

Resfriados Bronquitis, gripe, catarros, toses cronicas enfermedades de los bronquios y de los pulmones alivio rápido y curación por las Grajeas de Terkal Monal.
Calman la Tos, facilitan la Expectoración, fortalecen los pulmones y el organismo, preservan de la Tuberculosis.
Recommendadas por muchos médicos.
Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris
La Lithographie Parisienne, Paris

For bronchitis, colds, grippe, flu, coughs, chronic diseases of the bronchial tubes and lungs,  get fast relief and healing with Monal Terkal lozenges.
They soothe coughs, facilitate expectoration, strengthen the lungs and preserve the body from Tuberculosis.
Recommended by many doctors.
Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris
The Lithograph Parisienne, Paris

Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, uncle of the Tsar and Commander of the Russian Army until the Gorlice-Tarnow defeat.

Image text

Le Grand-Duc Nicolas

Grand Duke Nicholas


Anemia, clorosis, opilación, convalecensias, y todos los estados de debilitación del organismo tienen un remedio seguro en las Grajeas de Taburol Monal.

Verdadera sangre artificial, reconstituyente ideal.

Superior a los ferruginosos, a los fostados, y a los jugos de carne.

Da energia; da fuerza.

Devuelve la salud aun a los enfermos más agotados.

Numerosas atestiguaciones de curaciones.

Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

For anemia, chlorosis, opilación, convalescence, and all states weakening the body, a sure remedy is Taburol Monal lozenges.

True artificial blood, perfect tonic.

Superior to ferrous tablets, elixirs , and gravies.

Energizes. Strengthens.

Restores health to the sick even the most exhausted.

Numerous affidavits of cures.

Monal & Co., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

Resfriados Bronquitis, gripe, catarros, toses cronicas enfermedades de los bronquios y de los pulmones alivio rápido y curación por las Grajeas de Terkal Monal.

Calman la Tos, facilitan la Expectoración, fortalecen los pulmones y el organismo, preservan de la Tuberculosis.

Recommendadas por muchos médicos.

Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

La Lithographie Parisienne, Paris

For bronchitis, colds, grippe, flu, coughs, chronic diseases of the bronchial tubes and lungs, get fast relief and healing with Monal Terkal lozenges.

They soothe coughs, facilitate expectoration, strengthen the lungs and preserve the body from Tuberculosis.

Recommended by many doctors.

Monal & Cie., 6, Rue Daubigny, Paris

The Lithograph Parisienne, Paris

Other views: Larger, Back

Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich was first cousin once removed to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Shortly before Russia entered the war, the Tsar made him supreme commander of the Russian Army. He did little to direct activities of his generals.

From August 1914 into 1915, the Russian Army had shown mixed results, with victories against the Turks in Sarikamish, and the Austro-Hungarians in the Galician Battles of 1914. They had been defeated by the Germans, particularly in the Battle of Tannenberg.

On May 3, 1915, the Germans and Austrians opened the Gorlice Tarnow Offensive. Commanding the new German Eleventh Army and an Austrian army, General August von Mackensen launched the offensive with 950 guns and a four-hour hurricane bombardment along a 30-mile front, between the Polish border and the Carpathians, and the towns of Tarnow and Gorlice. By May 4, the Germans had destroyed the Russian Third Army and broken through the Russian line. The Russians lost 210,000 men including 140,000 prisoners.

By the end of May, the Central Powers had taken nearly 400,000 prisoners.

Through June, the Russians were driven back from Galicia and lost their prizes of the fortress cities of Przemyśl and Lemberg.

The Russians continued to fall back through July. On August 4, the lost Warsaw. On August 10, the great Russian fortress at Novo-Georgievsk was besieged. Its garrison surrendered on August 20 with 190,000 Russian prisoners.

Faced with this continuing disaster, on August 21, the Tsar removed Grand Duke Nicholas and assumed command of the army himself.

After removing his cousin from supreme command, the Tsar appointed Grand Duke Nicholas commander in chief and Viceroy in the Caucasus. General Nikolai Yudenich, victor at Sarikamish, ably led the Russian forces in the battle against the Turks.

January 5, 1925


Roles held by Grand Duke Nicholas

Role Start Date End Date
Combatant - General
Army Chief of Staff 1915-08-21

Some books by or about Nicholas Nicholas, Grand Duke (4)