Charles Nungesser, third of France's greatest aces with 43 victories, flying a Nieuport in pursuit of a German plane.
A la poursuite de l’ennemi…
Aviation Française
Guerre 1914-1915-1916 . . .
Sous-Lieutenant Charles Eugène Marie Nungesser
Né le 15 Mars 1892 à Paris, titulaire du Brevet de l’Aéro-club de France No. 1.803, à la date du 17 Mars 1915, sur appareil H. Farman, a abattu au Premier Octobre 1916, 15 avions et 3 saucisses.
In pursuit of the enemy ...
French Aviation
War 1914-1915-1916. . .
Sub-Lieutenant Charles Eugene Marie Nungesser
Born March 15, 1892 in Paris, he holds Certificate No. 1803 of the Aero Club of France. In an H. Farman machine, he has brought down from March 17, 1915, to October 1, 1916, 15 aircraft and three sausage balloons.
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