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Ferdinand of Bulgaria

Serbia's wartime capital, Niš or Nisch was taken by Bulgarian forces on November 5, 1915 in the combined Central Power invasion and conquest of Serbia. The postcard portrait is of Bulgaria's Tsar Ferdinand beneath the Imperial Bulgarian flag, and shows street scenes in Nisch.
Strasse u. Moschee in Nisch
Kirche in Nisch
Volksleben in Nisch
Erobert am 5. November 1915
Street and Mosque in Nisch
Church in Nisch
People living in Nisch
Captured on 5 November 1915
Border of oak leaves
Logo, bottom left, illegible and "5383"

Serbia's wartime capital, Niš or Nisch, was taken by Bulgarian forces on November 5, 1915 in the combined Central Power invasion and conquest of Serbia. The postcard portrait is of Bulgaria's Tsar Ferdinand beneath the Imperial Bulgarian flag, and shows street scenes in Nisch.

Image text

Strasse u. Moschee in Nisch

Kirche in Nisch

Volksleben in Nisch

Erobert am 5. November 1915


Street and Mosque in Nisch

Church in Nisch

People living in Nisch

Captured on 5 November 1915

Border of oak leaves

Logo, bottom left, illegible and "5383"

Other views: Larger

The Treaty of Berlin ending the 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War had established the Principality of Bulgaria as a Turkish vassal state. In 1885 Bulgaria significantly expanded by annexing Eastern Rumelia forming a personal union under Ferdinand. On October 5, 1908, in the Balkan turmoil after the seizure of power by the Young Turks, Bulgaria declared independence.

With Serbia, Greece, and Montenegro, Bulgaria was a victor in the First Balkan War of 1912-13, but was dissatisfied with the treaty ending it and Serbia's refusal to honor pre-war commitments on the division of territory. It launched the Second Balkan War against Serbia and Greece, but was defeated when Romania struck its rear.

Bulgaria signed a secret treaty with Germany and Austria-Hungary on July 17, 1915, and concluded a military convention with Germany September 6. The country began mobilizing on September 23.

With the German-Austro-Hungaria invasion of Serbia already underway, Bulgaria entered the war by striking at the Allies trying to support Serbia from the Salonica Front. The Bulgarians also struck Serbia from the east. Before such an attack, and with no aid, Serbia fell rapidly.

When Romania entered the war in 1916, Bulgarian forces helped defeat the new Entente Ally.

The Bulgarians faced the French-led Allied army on the Salonica front, and did so successfully until the battles of September 1918, and ultimate defeat.

Ferdinand abdicated on October 4, 1918.


Roles held by Ferdinand of Bulgaria

Role Start Date End Date
Head of State