A Senussi column near the site of an attack on the British in Egypt. The Senussi first rebelled against Italian forces in Libya after Italy seized the territory from the Ottoman Empire. Supported by Turkey in Libya and later by Germany, the Senussi began a guerrilla campaign against the British in Egypt in late 1915, tying down 20,000 troops for over a year.
Balkan Kriegsschauplatz: Zu den erfolgreichen Angriffen der Senussi auf die Engländer in Agypten.
Serie 31/3
Balkan theater of war: At the successful attacks of the Senussi on the British in Egypt.
Series 31/3
Ausgabe des Kriegsfürsorgeamtes Wien IX.
Zum Gloria-Viktoria Album
Sammel. u. Nachschlagewerk des Völkerkrieges
War Office Assistance Edition, Vienna IX
For Gloria Victoria album
Collection and reference book of international war
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