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British Army

Uniforms of the British Army, 1914, from a series of postcards of uniforms of the combatants in the 1914 European War.
Guerre Européenne 1914
Armée Anglaise
Dragon guards
Scots greys
Gendarme de campagne
Officier du génie
Life guards
Volontaire Australien
Grenadier guards
Scots guards
Coldstream guards
Colstream guards (pet. tenue)
Kings Royal Rifles
Rifles brigrade
Scottish Rifles
Cameron highlanders
Highlanders (officier)
Royal Scots fusiliers
Corps Expéditionnaire
Infanterie anglaise
Troupes de l'Inde
Régiment de Cippayes West India (officier)

Déposé J.C 8-9

European War 1914 
British Army 
Dragoon guards
Scots Greys
Mounted Policeman
Engineering Officer
Life Guards
Australian Volunteer
Grenadier Guard
Scots Guard
Coldstream Guard
Colstream Guards (service dress)
Kings Royal Rifles
Rifle Brigade
Scottish Rifles
Cameron Highlander
Highlanders (Officer)
Royal Scots Fusiliers
Expeditionary Corps
English Infantry
Indian troop
Sepoy Regiment West India (Officer)

Filed J.C 8-9

J'espere bien que cette carte plâira à sa petite majesté, elle a été achetée à son intention . . .
I hope that this card will appeal to his little majesty, it was purchased for him. . .

Uniforms of the British Army, 1914, from a series of postcards of uniforms of the combatants in the 1914 European War.

Image text

Guerre Européenne 1914

Armée Anglaise

Dragon guards

Scots greys


Gendarme de campagne


Officier du génie


Life guards


Volontaire Australien


Grenadier guards

Scots guards

Coldstream guards

Colstream guards (pet. tenue)

Kings Royal Rifles

Rifles brigrade

Scottish Rifles

Cameron highlanders

Highlanders (officier)

Royal Scots fusiliers

Corps Expéditionnaire

Infanterie anglaise

Troupes de l'Inde

Régiment de Cippayes West India (officier)

Déposé J.C 8-9

European War 1914

British Army

Dragoon guards

Scots Greys


Mounted Policeman


Engineering Officer


Life Guards


Australian Volunteer


Grenadier Guard

Scots Guard

Coldstream Guard

Colstream Guards (service dress)

Kings Royal Rifles

Rifle Brigade

Scottish Rifles

Cameron Highlander

Highlanders (Officer)

Royal Scots Fusiliers

Expeditionary Corps

English Infantry

Indian troop

Sepoy Regiment West India (Officer)

Filed J.C 8-9


J'espere bien que cette carte plâira à sa petite majesté, elle a été achetée à son intention . . .

I hope that this card will appeal to his little majesty, it was purchased for him. . .

Other views: Larger, Larger, Back

Initial deployment to Belgium and France, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), with colonial troops including the Indian Corps. The British army was nearly destroyed by the end of the Battle of Ypres.

By early November, the Territorial Army, established as part of the Army reforms of 1906 and '07, tasked with guarding the United Kingdom itself, was making up for the casualties in the British Army. Sir John French wrote 'that without the assistance which the Territorial soldiers afforded between October, 1914, and June, 1915, it would have been impossible to hold the line in France and Belgium, or to prevent the enemy from reaching his goal, the Channel seaboard.

Kitchener's Army next arrived, the volunteers who responded to Herbert Lord Kitchener's call of 1914. They entered the war at the Battle of Loos in late September, 1915.

The British New Army went over the top, and suffered enormous casualties, in the Battle of the Somme on July 1, 1916.

The Army Service Corps supplied front line troops with food, fuel, weapons, and other supplies.

Organizations within British Army (4)

Some books about British Army (1)

Title Author Last Name Author First Name
The British Army 1914-18 Fosten D.S.V.