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England's Distress: Postcard map of England and Ireland with the restricted zone Germany proclaimed around the islands, showing the ships destroyed by submarine in the 12 months beginning February 1, 1917.
Englands Not
12 Monate uneingeschränkten
U-Bootskrieges auf dem nördlichen See kriegsschauplatz
Alle durch Minen und vor dem 1. Februar 1917 vernichteten Schiffe sind in dieser Karte nicht enthalten.
Bedeutet ein durch die Tätigkeit unserer U-Boote versenktes Schiffe ohne Berücksichtigung seine Grosse
Die Eintragungen der Schiffe entsprechen dem Versunkungsort.

England's distress
Unqualified 12 months
Submarine warfare in the North Sea theater
All ships destroyed by mines of before February 1, 1917 are not included in this map.
[Sunken ship symbol] indicates a ship sunk by the actions of our submarines without taking into account the size of the vessel. The records correspond to the ships' place of operations.
restricted zone boundaries

Auf Anregung Sr. Majestät des Kaisers
i. Auftr. des Admiralstabes d. Rais. Marine zu Gunsten der Sinterbliebenen der Besatzungen von U-Booten, Minensuch- und Vorpostenbooten herausgegeben vom Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland
Faber'sche Buchdruckerei, Magdeburg.

At the suggestion of His Majesty the Emperor
his commission of Naval Staff Rais d. Navy issued in favor of the sintering relatives of the crews of submarines, minesweepers and outpost boats by the Association for Germans abroad

Faber'sche book printing, Magdeburg.

England's Distress: Postcard map of England and Ireland with the restricted zone Germany proclaimed around the islands, showing the ships destroyed by submarine in the 12 months beginning February 1, 1917.

Image text

Englands Not

12 Monate uneingeschränkten

U-Bootskrieges auf dem nördlichen See kriegsschauplatz

Alle durch Minen und vor dem 1. Februar 1917 vernichteten Schiffe sind in dieser Karte nicht enthalten.


Bedeutet ein durch die Tätigkeit unserer U-Boote versenktes Schiffe ohne Berücksichtigung seine Grosse

Die Eintragungen der Schiffe entsprechen dem Versunkungsort.

England's distress

Unqualified 12 months

Submarine warfare in the North Sea theater

All ships destroyed by mines of before February 1, 1917 are not included in this map.

restricted zone boundaries

[Sunken ship symbol] indicates a ship sunk by the actions of our submarines without taking into account the size of the vessel. The records correspond to the ships' place of operations.


Auf Anregung Sr. Majestät des Kaisers

i. Auftr. des Admiralstabes d. Rais. Marine zu Gunsten der Sinterbliebenen der Besatzungen von U-Booten, Minensuch- und Vorpostenbooten herausgegeben vom Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland

Faber'sche Buchdruckerei, Magdeburg.

At the suggestion of His Majesty the Emperor

his commission of Naval Staff Rais d. Navy issued in favor of the sintering relatives of the crews of submarines, minesweepers and outpost boats by the Association for Germans abroad

Faber'sche book printing, Magdeburg.

Other views: Larger, Larger, Back

Ireland, a largely Roman Catholic country and part of the United Kingdom, had its own parliament in Dublin until 1798, when many parts of the country rose up against the British in a battle for independence. The rebellion failed, the parliament was dissolved, and Ireland was ruled from London.

At the end of the 19th century, the Irish Parliamentary Party supported the government at the price of Home Rule — resurrection of an Irish Parliament. Home Rule legislation passed by the House of Commons in 1886 and 1893 was vetoed in the House of Lords. In 1910, the Commons passed a bill that allowed the Lords to delay Home Rule by up to four years, but not veto it.

Unionists, primarily Protestant, in Ulster, Ireland's northern province, vowed to resist Irish Home Rule by force and formed the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) in January, 1913. On April 24, 1914, three months before World War I began, the UVF landed 20,000 magazine-fed rifles with bayonets, and two million rounds of ammunition smuggled from Germany into Belfast and other Ulster ports.

In response to the formation of the UVF, the Irish Volunteers, a largely Catholic group, formed in November, 1913. In 1914, responding to the arming of the UVF, the Volunteers managed to land and distribute the better part of 1,500 single shot rifles at Howth near Dublin on July 26, days before the United Kingdom entered the war. Along with the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a more radical group which shared some membership with them, the Volunteers were a core of the rebel force in the Easter Rising of 1916.

Irish of both religions and from throughout the country fought in the British Army in the War. The 36th (Ulster) Division suffered heavy losses on the first day of the Battle of the Somme.

When the United Kingdom introduced conscription, Connacht, Leinster, and Munster, the other Irish provinces, were exempt.

Ireland is a country in Great Britain.

A sample pie chart graphic

Statistics for Ireland (1)

Type Statistic
Population 4,381,951

Some places in Ireland (1)

Click to View Location Type
Dublin City

Some books about Ireland (11)

Title Author Last Name Author First Name
The Easter Rebellion Caulfield Max
Rebels: The Irish Rising of 1916 de Rosa Peter
The Curragh Incident Fergusson James
A Nation and Not a Rabble: The Irish Revolution 1913–1923 Ferriter Diarmaid
King's Complete History of the World War King W.C.
Revolution in Ireland Kostick Conor
Easter Rising 1916; Birth of the Irish Republic by Michael McNally; Illustrated by Peter Dennis McNally Michael
Three Plays O'Casey Sean
Michael Collins and the Troubles O'Connor Ulick
The 1916 Poets Ryan Desmond
The Burning of Cork White Gerry and Brendan O'Shea