A Zeppelin April Fool, an April fish. The reverse contains a message dated March 29, 1915.
1r Avril1- Je suis le poisson d'Avril- Je ne tiens qu'a un fil- Moins dangereux que je n'en ai l'air- Je ne suis en sureté que sur terre2Le moindre petit coup de ventMe retourne complétementVous avouerez, pour un dirigeableQue c'est plutôt lamentable.1- I am the April Fool- I am hanging on by a thread- I'm less dangerous than I am in the air- I'm not reliable other than on Earth2The slightest gust of windTurns me completelyYou must admit, for an airshipThat it is rather dismalJK 9506Reverse:Message dated March 29, 1915
"A Zeppelin April Fool, an April fish. The reverse contains a message dated March 29, 1915."
Thursday, April 1, 1915
April, 1915
Zeppelin, April 1, April Fool, 1915, 1915-04-01