And God with us! God, armed with a blunderbuss and already having received a medal, steps between Kaisers Wilhelm II of Germany and Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. The German soldier's belt buckle included the inscription, Gott mit Uns — God with us. Illustration by Aurelio Bertiglia.
Dio E con Noi!And God with us!
"And God with us! God, armed with a blunderbuss and already having received a medal, steps between Kaisers Wilhelm II of Germany and Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. The German soldier's belt buckle included the inscription, Gott mit Uns — God with us. Illustration by Aurelio Bertiglia."
Saturday, February 27, 1915
A. Bertiglia, Bertiglia, God, Kaiser Franz Josef, Franz Joseph, Kaiser Franz Joseph, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kaiser Wilhelm, Wilhelm, Gott mit Uns, God with Us, Aurelio Bertiglia