by Erich von Falkenhayn
Map of the military situation on the eastern front at the beginning of November, 1914. A German-Austro-Hungarian advance almost to the gates of Warsaw in September and October, 1914, was reversed by the Russians. The November 12 German counter-attack included the new German Ninth Army and reinforcements that had been withdrawn from the Western Front. Map from The German General Staff and its Decisions, 1914-1916 by General von Falkenhayn.
General Headquarters and its Critical Decisions, 1914-1916 by General Erich von Falkenhayn 312 pages. 11 maps. Trim Size: 6" by 9" hardcover. General von Falkenhayn was appointed Chief of the General Staff in September 1914 and held the post until September 1916 when he was replaced at the urging of Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Although he later successfully led German armies in the East, this book concentrates on operations under his direction in the first two years of the war. There are chapters on the general military situation at the beginning of September 1914, the initial period of trench warfare, operations at Garlice-Tarnaw in the East, attempts to gain a breakthrough in the in the West in 1915 and the campaigns of 1916.
Publisher: Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1920
Copyright: 1920 by Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc.