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Postcard image of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kaiser Franz Joseph, in the Secessionist style. The men are in a hexagonal lozenge, an image that may have been drawn from them riding in a carriage. Kaiser Wilhelm is wearing the uniform and shako of the Death's Head Hussars. Above the image, the word "Völkerkrieg" (people's war); below "1914; In Treue Fest" (fixed in loyalty).

Postcard of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Kaiser Franz Joseph, in the Secessionist style. Kaiser Wilhelm is wearing the uniform and shako of the Death's Head Hussars.

Image text

Völkerkrieg (people's war)

1914; In Treue Fest

People's War

Firm in Loyalty

Other views: Larger, Back, LargerBack

Thursday, January 21, 1915

"'The most puzzling thing about this war,' a Russian officer wrote to his mother on January 21 [1915], 'is that we don't come to hate the enemy . . . I think it's because we're united by a common bond; we've all been forced to do the thing most alien to human nature: kill our fellow man."

Quotation Context


A Mad Catastrophe by Geoffrey Wawro, page 351, copyright © 2014 by Geoffrey Wawro, publisher: Basic Books


1915-01-21, 1915, January,