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Paul Pau

Headstone in the German Cemetery at Cerny-en-Laonnois for the graves of the Landsturm infantrymen Paul Fischer and Hermann Lamprecht, both died April 19, 1917 during the Second Battle of the Aisne. The grave contains the remains of 'Polinske', dead with no further information. The %i1%Landsturm%i0% were reserve units, typically of older men.
Paul Fischer Landsturmmann +19.4.1917
Hermann Lamprecht Landsturmmann +19.4.1917

Headstone in the German Cemetery at Cerny-en-Laonnois for the graves of the Landsturm infantrymen Paul Fischer and Hermann Lamprecht, both died April 19, 1917 during the Second Battle of the Aisne. The grave contains the remains of 'Polinske', dead with no further information. The Landsturm were reserve units, typically of older men. © 2014 by John M. Shea

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Paul Fischer Landsturmmann +19.4.1917

Hermann Lamprecht Landsturmmann +19.4.1917


Paul Pau was a French general whom French commander Joseph Joffre brought out of retirement to command the short-lived Army of Alsace. Pau's Army was subsequently disbanded and transferred to the French Sixth Army formed north of Paris before the Battle of the Marne.
