New Zealand Memorial, Longueval.
A memorial to the New Zealand Division which arrived in France in May, 1916, and deployed to the Somme sector. On September 14, 1916, launching an attack from Longueval, the New Zealand Division captured the village of Flers. © 2013, John M. Shea

In honour of the men of the New Zealand Division; First Battle of the Somme, 1916
Within a wreath: "New Zealand"
From the uttermost ends of the earth.
La Division de Nouvelle Zelande apres avoir atteint comme premier objectif cette position a lancé de ce point son attaque couronnée de succes sur Flers 15 Septembre 1916
En l'honneur des hommes de la Division de Nouvelle Zelande; Premiere Bataille de la Somme, 1916
Des confins les plus recules de la terre.
The New Zealand Division : Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury, Otago
The New Zealand Division after gaining this position as their first objective launched from it the successful attack on Flers, 15th September 1916
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