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Steuermann! Ho!
Kaiser Wilhelm II straddling Berlin, at the ship's wheel of Germany, firm against the gale. He stands on a raised outline of Germany with major cities marked: Berlin, the ports of Hamburg, Bremen and Danzig, Strassburg in the southwest and Königsberg in the northeast. ("Kitsch" is a German word.) To his right is a poem:

Lieb Vaterland kannst ruhig sein
Du brauchst niemals verzagen
Duhast den rechten Steuermann
In diesen schweren Tagen.

Dear Fatherland, you can rest easy.
You need never despair
You have the right helmsman
For these difficult days.

message date and field postmark October 18, 1914.
BAF 11 (?); H Lemke (?)

Dated and field postmarked 1914-10-18.

Steuermann! Ho!
Postcard map of the German Empire with Kaiser Wilhelm II straddling Berlin, at the ship's wheel of the country, firm against the gale.

Image text

Lieb Vaterland kannst ruhig sein

Du brauchst niemals verzagen

Duhast den rechten Steuermann

In diesen schweren Tagen.

Dear Fatherland, you can rest easy.

You need never despair.

You have the right helmsman

For these difficult days.


BAF 11 (?); H Lemke (?)

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The German Empire, united in . . .

Germany is a country in Europe.

A sample pie chart graphic

Statistics for Germany (2)

Type Statistic
Land Area 208,780 Sq. Miles
Population 64,925,993

Some places in Germany (8)

Click to View Location Type
Alsace-Lorraine Region
Berlin City
Cuxhaven City
Helgoland Island
Kaiser Wilhelm Canal Canal
Kiel City
Masurian Lakes Region
Mulhausen City

Some people from Germany (14)

Last Name First Name Full Name Role
Bethmann Hollweg Theobald Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg
Bothmer Felix Felix von Bothmer
Bölcke Oswald Oswald Bölcke
Falkenhayn Erich Erich von Falkenhayn
Hindenburg Paul von Hindenburg Paul von Hindenburg
Immelmann Max Max Immelmann
Lettow-Vorbeck Paul Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
Liman von Sanders Otto Otto Liman von Sanders
Ludendorff Erich Erich Ludendorff
Mackensen August August von Mackensen
Moltke Helmuth von Helmuth von Moltke
Richthofen Manfred Manfred von Richthofen
Tirpitz Alfred Alfred von Tirpitz
Wilhelm II Kaiser Wilhelm II

Some books about Germany (14)

Title Author Last Name Author First Name
Germany and the Approach of War in 1914 Berghahn V. R.
Dark Invasion; 1915; Germany's Secret War and the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America Blum Howard
German Bombers of WWI in Action Cooksley Peter
Germany 1866-1945 Craig Gordon A.
Short Rations: an American Woman in Germany 1915-1916 Doty Madeleine
The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism Erichsen Casper
The Memoirs of Marshal Foch, translated by Col. T. Bentley Mott Foch Ferdinand
My Four Years in Germany Gerard James W.
A Journal from our Legation in Belgium Gibson Hugh
The First World War: Germany and Austria Hungary 1914-1918 Herwig Holger H.
The Silent Dictatorship Kitchen Martin
Germany in the Age of Kaiser Wilhelm II Retallack James
Imperial Germany; The Birth of the German Republic 1871–1918 Rosenberg Arthur
In Flanders Flooded Fields: Before Ypres there Was Yser van Pul Paul