French postcard celebrating the Allied victory at the Battle of the Marne with the Kaiser tumbling in the river, Germans (in green) fleeing. The French in blue and red advance and tend to German wounded. The British, France's ally, advance in the distance.
Dans un élan magnifique, les armées allemandes on passé deux fois la Marne. Tout va bien. Les troupes sont fraîches. (Agence Wolff)
With magnificent élan, the German armies have crossed the Marne twice. All is well. The troops are fresh. (Wolff Agency)
Signs and text:
On demande couturière pour recoudre les boches
Voulez vous que j’écrive a vos parents?
Poudres sèches pour la guerre future 1873
Sucre pastilles caramelle
Baton provisoire de maréchal
We need a seamstress to mend the Boche
You want me to write to your parents?
Dry powder for future war 1873
Caramel sugar lozenges
Marshal’s provisional baton
"Artistic Caricatures" (1re Série de 6 cartes)
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