On August 15, 1914, Japan, partner with Great Britain in an Anglo-Japanese Alliance, delivered an ultimatum to Germany demanding that German warships withdraw from the waters of Japan and China or disarm, and that Germany turn over to Japan the concession of Kiaochow and its port of Tsingtao. Japan declared war on Germany on August 23 after Germany failed to respond within Japan's one-week time limit.

Das japanische Ultimatum.
'Gib her dein Papier . . .
Den unangenehmen Eindruck werden wir gleich verwischen!'
Kriegs-Karte der 'Lustigen Blätter' Nr. 15.
The Japanese Ultimatum.
'Give me your paper . . .
We will wipe away the offensive impression!'
Verlag der Lustigen Blätter (Dr. Eysler & Co.) G.m.b.H. Berlin SW 68
Druck von Hermann Bergmann, Berlin S.W. 48.
Publisher of the Lustigen Blätter (Dr. Eysler & Co.) G.m.b.H. Berlin SW 68
Printing by Hermann Bergmann, Berlin S.W. 48.
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