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Zweibund — the Dual Alliance — Germany and Austria-Hungary united, were the core of the Central Powers, and here join hands. The bars of Germany's flag border the top left, and those of the Habsburg Austrian Empire and ruling house the bottom right.
Schulter an Schulter
Untrennbar vereint
in Freud und in Leid!'

Shoulder to shoulder
Inseparably united 
in joy and in sorrow!

Zweibund — the Dual Alliance — Germany and Austria-Hungary united, were the core of the Central Powers, and here join hands. The bars of Germany's flag border the top left, and those of the Habsburg Austrian Empire and ruling house the bottom right.


Gea Verlag, G.m.b.H. Berline, W.35


1. Russian theater of war

2. French theater of war

3. Overview of France and Belgium

4. British Isles and the Channels

5. Ober-Italien und Nachbargebiete

6. Serbian theater of war

7. European Turkey und Nachbargebiete (Dardennels, Sea of Marmora, Bosporus)

8. Asiatic Turkey und Nachbarlender (Egyptian theater of war, Suez Canal, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia

9. The World of Islam

10 Map of Europe

Publisher: Gea Verlag, G.m.b.H. Berline, W.35,


wwiClBookListThis is a RuntimeException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'bookId <> 313 AND lower( OT.objectTypeShort ) = 'book' ORDER BY authorLastNa...' at line 12. The actual query submitted was: SELECT B.bookId, B.objectTypeId, B.inventoryId, B.countryId, B.title, B.active, LEFT(B.description, 50) AS description, B.authorLastName, B.authorFirstName, B.authorFullName, LCOUNTRY.locationShort AS country, RT.resourceTypeShort FROM book B LEFT OUTER JOIN location LCOUNTRY ON LCOUNTRY.locationId = B.countryId LEFT OUTER JOIN object O ON O.sourceObjectId = B.bookId LEFT OUTER JOIN objecttype OT ON OT.objectTypeId = O.objectTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN objectresourcetype ORT ON ORT.objectId = O.objectId LEFT OUTER JOIN resourcetype RT ON RT.resourceTypeId = ORT.resourceTypeId WHERE INSTR( tags, '' ) > 0 bookId <> 313 AND lower( OT.objectTypeShort ) = 'book' ORDER BY authorLastName LIMIT 0, 10